You can reschedule the event by contacting the restaurant through the Event Messenger feature on your Meal Page. This is the fastest and most direct way to change the date of your event.
If you have trouble reaching them, leave us a message or send an email to with the subject “Event Date Change” that lists all your group name, restaurant name, original date, new date requested, and reason for change.
An event can be cancelled at anytime by leaving us a message or sending an email to with the subject "Event Cancellation" that lists your group name, restaurant, date of the event, and reason for cancellation.
We understand that many of our organizations and local businesses have been impacted by the ongoing developments related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are wondering how to move forward with your scheduled event, here’s what we recommend:
- Confirm Event Details: Ask the restaurant about their course of action in the coming weeks--will they accept take-out orders/delivery or have shorter hours?
- Reschedule/Cancel: If you need to reschedule, reach out to the restaurant to easily coordinate for a later date. For cancellations, contact support.
- Contact Your Supporters: Once you have all the information, reach out to people who have RSVPed so they know what to expect--a list of RSVPs can be found on your Meal Management Page
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